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Jason Rector

Independent Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Engineer,

Owner of Jason Rector Publishing LLC & RECTOR STUDIOS


 I’ve played piano from age 6. When my parents signed me up for lessons, I quit after about 3 months because I learned that I had an ability to hear something, then play it (rather than spending 2 weeks with the teacher learning ’the correct fingering’ for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...). I am self-taught, self disciplined and most of all, self-motivated to be better, even today. I’ve played guitar from age 10. Again, self-taught. I play many different styles (Blues, Rock, Country, Jazz, Pop, etc) and often go with whatever is currently inspiring me. I also play the bass guitar and drums on any of my tracks that have them (although, I thank the good Lord for MIDI tracking and quantizing when it comes to the drums... I don't claim to be a drummer by any means; I just do what needs to be done without utilizing samples).


I went to Berklee College of Music during the 1995-1999 era doing a double major in Audio Engineering and Sound Design. I had no intention of music ever becoming ’my job’, because I loved it too much to sacrifice the intimacy. So, I became an electrician and am currently operating under one of the largest design build firms as a Design Manager. So, now it’s time to share my life's musical ideas, knowledge, capabilities and expressions, to try and make a difference within the industry however I can.


I recently joined a fantastic Independent Songwriting community, Sonpreneurs, to expand on my lyric writing. Music and melodies come extremely easy to me, but finding the right words to fit the expression, have always been my weakness. I am a man of few words... and that needs to change. 


I hope you enjoy what you hear. I'll be adding songs on a regular basis, so I encourage you to signup on the mailing list or check back often. If you hear something you like, share it. My main intention here is to perhaps, draw a major performing artist's interest in doing a song, or perhaps even co-write. I've also opened up a forum section here, with the hopes of including you and your inspirations, into songs that will inspire our fellow communities, with positive outlooks on our day-to-day lives.



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